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Infallible Wisdom

Hardcover - "Infallible Wisdom: Reflections on how to live a more meaningful life"

Hardcover - "Infallible Wisdom: Reflections on how to live a more meaningful life"

Regular price $40.00
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Page Count: 422

Like many youths and respected elders, I, too, inherited a religion and lacked a solid foundation in its teachings. It was only when I began college at The Pennsylvania State University that my beliefs were tested. Without my family or community to guide me, I was alone. Here, I began questioning simple things like why we pray, who God is and why I should do what He asks of me. As I did my research and began to learn more about my religion through those whom God sent as guides for us to learn from, I found more peace and conviction in my faith. Although being told what to do and what to believe helped develop some foundation for my faith, discovering the reasons behind faith gave my life more meaning than anything I could have ever imagined. As you journey through life, whether you are a 17-year-old college student, like me at the time, or a 70-year-old adult, it is never too late to take the time to find your life's meaning. This book is an ode to all those who struggle to find their spiritual identity and meaning in life. This book aims to guide you through my journey of discovering how to live a more meaningful life.

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